Sunday, July 16, 2006

On a quote worth mentioning

I've been reading a terribly engaging book this weekend called, Good Omens, written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Regular readers will know of my fondness for Terry Pratchett, I highly recommend Good Omens, not the least for insights like the following, found on page 157:
Newt had always suspected that people who regularly used the word "community" were using it in a very specific sense that excluded him and everyone he knew.

I've spent my share of time among Jesuits, Franciscans, Anglicans, Dominicans, Texans, soaking up incalculable hours of exegesis / eisegesis while sitting innocently in Church, riding in the car, or simply watching TV. All of those worthies make rather free use of that powerful word, community. But I can't swear that any of them have ever truly meant to embrace me in that circle.